I’ve Deadset Not Moved – How To Live Your Best Quarantine Life!
Hello again from Howard Springs! What's been happening in your life recently? Me, I've deadset not moved in the past two weeks! I am still living my best (mandatory) quarantine life in Australia's Northern Territory. We are getting lots of sunshine, daily nutritious food and a few yoga sessions - what more do you need in life? But it's not about lying on the terrace all day, trying to get a tan. NAY! I am busy collecting the best tips and insights to share with you because, let's face facts, anyone could end up in a mild to heavy quarantine situation! Join us today when we unravel the niggly ins and outs of quarantine life, the best quarantine hacks, the must-have's and the need-to-avoids!
If you missed last week’s post on how we ended up in mandatory quarantine in Australia, read Welcome to Howard Springs – Quarantine Prison or Ultimate Slow Travel! Coming now into the last stretch of our time here in Howard Springs, I am, once again, grateful to spend quarantine here. The thought of having to stay 14 days in a tiny hotel room without the option to go outside still gives me heart palpitations! Live is pretty easy here at Howard Springs, with very little to complain about. However, week two has proven a bit more challenging than week one. The novelty has worn off, time stretches just that little bit more and even the food is just a copy of last weeks menu.
But what helps to stay sane in quarantine? What does a day look like in a quarantine camp like Howard Springs? What are the highlights, what is there to do? Let’s have a closer look at a typical day in quarantine and discover a few tools and hacks to make life easier here. Come and dive a little deeper into our day to day quarantine life!
A Typical Day in Howard Springs
Obviously, everyone has a different routine, likes different things and has different obligations. However, as I studied from our neighbour’s outdoor habits and behaviours, there seem to be at least some similar patterns at similar times! Personally, I feel that a bit of structure and a few self-imposed obligations help to keep you busy and sane. Some days work better than others and some days just don’t work at all. What can you do? Just start again and give it another try tomorrow.
8.00 am - Coffee on the Terrace and Temperature Check
This is probably my favourite time of the day. You wake up, everything is still quiet as most people are still asleep. The sun is up, the air is still cool – the perfect time to meet the husband for a coffee on the terrace. We catch up, see what the day brings and what’s new in the world.
Sometime between 8.00 and 9.00 am the Howard Springs staff comes around for a temperature check. It’s a quick and easy procedure, just a bummer for all the long-sleepers in the camp, having to get up for it.
After the morning coffee, I start the day with a little yoga practice for 30 to 40 minutes. Then I have my breakfast and a shower and am ready for the day!
10.30 am - Get Productive
I am a morning person, so whatever important work I have to do, I try to do it before midday. That’s when I am at my best. Everyone has a different time of the day that works best for them. For me, it’s usually as early as possible.
I write a to-do list, which usually helps me to achieve at least half of the things I have written down. I am still struggling to do the most annoying things first, to make sure they get done. But hey, no one is perfect. I am working on it. Ideally, I try to keep my head down and be productive until it’s time for lunch.
13.00 - Lunch Break
Once again, I am meeting the husband on the terrace for a midday catch up and lunch. I have to say, the lunches here are usually my favourite. It’s always some sort of cold salad and a little sweet dessert or fruit. There is a good chance for some faffing around after lunch, a little midday slump isn’t unusual. Sometimes I can get out of it easily, sometimes it’s pretty hard.
14.00 - Back into the Productive Bubble
I try to use as much of the afternoon to do something productive and get more work done. Since my work is self-imposed it’s often harder to stick to it than working remotely for a company with deadlines and meetings, obviously. This is where the to-do list comes in handy to keep you on track.
Sometimes we meet up in between for an afternoon tea or coffee. Other times I need a little cat nap. Since the jetlag is slowly disappearing, the afternoon naps have become few and far between. Yet, this time of the day is always the hardest for me to get back into the groove.
16.30 - 18.30 - Dinner Arrives
Yes, you read this correctly – dinner does come here as early as 16.30. The first week our dinners came extremely early, this week they seemed to have switched to the late shift, with dinner arriving at 18.30!
You always get all your food for the next 24 hours delivered at once. The hot dinner as well as the cold breakfast and lunch dishes for the next day.
If you want to eat warm once a day, you do need to eat your dinner at least 30 minutes after delivery. There is no menu to choose from, but you get 7 days a different meal every day. In week two, the same menu will be repeated. In your Howard Springs quarantine questionnaire, you get asked about your dietary requirements and get your food accordingly.
I am not going to lie to you – when the food bags are being delivered, it is an exciting time in the life of a quarantiner! You can feel a little buzz going through the camp. People leisurely come out onto their porches, trying to keep it casual and not to look too eager. But what can you do? Of course, you do want to know what’s for dinner tonight? What’s in the bag for breakfast and lunch tomorrow?
19.30 - Settling in for the Night
What can I say?! The evening is, of course, the best time to watch TV, catch up on the daily news or simply indulge in your favourite Netflix shows. Having a single room, though, is a slippery slope of TV independence, maybe even selfishness! While you usually have to discuss and compromise with your partner what to watch at night, you can now watch whatever you want.
My husband and I have been planning a movie night together for the past two weeks. So far, it hasn’t materialised. We keep visiting each other every few hours to check in, but then he returns to his sports and I am back with my trash tv (yes, it is a guilty pleasure of mine!). I guess it’s ok to enjoy it while we can!
A hobby definitely helps to keep you busy at night. Be it knitting, crosswords or puzzles – whatever makes you feel alive and entertained! A good friend from South Africa had given me an embroidery kit, which, to be honest, caused a couple of internal question marks when I received it. Never once have we spoken about embroidery or a secret passion for it. But she must know me better than I do, because as it turned out – I do love it! I became mildly obsessed with it and finished the whole thing in two 4-hour sittings at night. And now, I wish I had brought more of it.
Trying to Make the Best of Your Time
This is, in a nutshell, what my average day looks like in Howard Springs. You can make as much or as little of your quarantine time as you wish. Maybe you had a really stressful time and just need some peace and quiet? Or you might be working in any case, so your days are already structured and busy.
Personally, I try to make the most of the time I have here without any distractions. There is simply nowhere where I can go, so why not try and get as much done as possible. Why not enjoy the quiet time for what it is – quiet?! Don’t get me wrong, of all the fantastic things I set out to do, I get maybe half done. If I am lucky! I still manage to distract myself with all sorts of useless things. I am still watching too much silly stuff on TV instead of reading the books I vowed to read during quarantine. I am still faffing around for no reason – like wiping the desk down or cleaning the bathroom instead of writing the next blog post.
The Best Quarantine Gadgets
Now you might ask yourself – what items should I definitely bring into my quarantine situation? Again, of course, this is a highly individual question but I can tell you exactly what I appreciate most having brought into quarantine! Maybe it gives you a few clues on what you should bring too!
#1 - French Press and Coffee
My favourite gadget we brought along is the French Press and real coffee! Nothing better than having that delicious coffee on the terrace in the morning sun. It’s the perfect tool if you only have a kettle in your room. A French Press is easy to use and it doesn’t take much space in your luggage! It’s all you need to get your daily coffee fix!
In Howard Springs, they do provide you with enough instant coffee to get you easily through your 14 days here. But if the instant version just doesn’t do it for you, make sure to bring your own favourite brand along! Depending on your coffee habit, make sure to take enough with you! We are cutting it very fine with one pack only, already wishing we would have brought two.
#2 - Cups
The cups were actually a leftover from a camping trip to Kruger National Park recently. They were cheap and cheerful and we kept them since you never know what you might need them for. As it turned out, it was a great addition to our quarantine equipment. You do get plenty of paper cups to get you through, but it’s not very nice to drink your coffee or tea out of those. So, having a proper cup is a great addition to make you feel as normal as possible.
#3 - Yoga Mat & Resistance Band
As you won’t be able to walk during your quarantine time, make sure to find other ways to exercise. I’ve dabbled in yoga for years, sometimes more regularly, sometimes less. With all the lockdowns and restrictions, I started to do yoga at home a couple of months ago and I absolutely love it. YouTube is ideal to find the best teacher for you, which is crucial to really enjoy yoga.
Personally, my favourite YouTube yoga channel is Yoga with Adriene. I really enjoy her classes, especially the yoga for weight loss series. She has videos for all sorts of situations, needs and practice lengths. If you haven’t found your ideal yoga teacher yet, give Adriene a try.
Yoga is the perfect exercise for quarantine situations! You don’t need a lot of space to do it, you exercise the entire body and most importantly it’s also good for the mind. A bit of breathing, a bit of stretching and a bit of mindfulness makes you feel like a new person. Bringing a yoga mat into quarantine was definitely crucial for our physical and mental well-being. Besides, you can, of course, always use the mat for any other ground workouts.
Additionally, we bought a resistance band to train those flabby muscles. I haven’t tried those bands before, but I have to say I love it. It’s easy to pack, it’s a great workout and you can do so many different exercise variations with it. Amazing! Instead of lugging weights around, give the resistance band a try!
#4 - Entertainment - Games, Quizzes, Crafts
If you ever thought about starting a new hobby – that doesn’t need too much equipment – there is no time like quarantine time to learn a new skill or refine an existing one. No matter if you love crosswords or puzzles or card games – bring it! I definitely wish I would have brought more embroidery equipment and maybe some crossword puzzles.
It’s also the ideal time to learn a new language or to freshen up on some old skills. There are so many language apps these days you can download for free. I have used Duolingo before to learn Spanish and now I am close to being fluent – Yo como una Manzana! Yep, I thought so – the mind is blown! Anyway, if you enjoy learning languages or you want to give it a try, quarantine is the best time to get into it!
If you are a couple and you both (!!!) enjoy playing board- or card games invest a few bucks and bring some along. It’s a great thing to do together in the evenings instead of lounging in front of the TV.
Things I am Missing
There is honestly barely anything I am missing here since you are being very well cared for. There is only one thing I can think of I really miss here at Howard Springs
Proper cutlery and a plate!
It might sound silly, but having ‘real’ eating utensils makes a huge difference. With your daily food ration, you do get two sets of single-use, wooden cutlery delivered. For environmental reasons, I appreciate not having plastic cutlery. However, I can’t say that I really enjoy the taste or texture of wooden eating utensils. There is also no serious cutting of food with the wooden knives. You basically tear your food apart instead of cutting it. It works, but it’s not great. Therefore, I wish we would have packed a proper fork, knife and spoon.
Also, having a plate would have been not only very handy but also a lifestyle upgrade. Instead of having to eat straight out of the plastic containers, the food is delivered in, you could actually enjoy your meal from a plate. It also would have come in handy when cutting bread rolls open, cut the little cheese blocks or putting jam on your croissant.
So, if you find yourself going into quarantine for 14 days, I can only recommend investing in some solid eating utensils. It definitely makes a difference!
Additional Shopping - Is it Necessary?
Is it necessary to stress over things you might have forgotten or you now wish you had brought along? No, there is no need to worry. In any quarantine situation, you are allowed to order goods from the local supermarkets
In Howard Springs, we have two supermarket chains we can order from – IGA and Coles. You need to order goods for a minimum amount of 50 AUD (about 30 EUR or 36 USD) to get them delivered to the quarantine facility reception. During specific delivery times, the staff comes around and hands out your shopping bags! Easy!
So, when I am saying, I wish we would have more coffee, different types of tea and maybe some cutlery – I could have ordered it. But to be honest, I can’t be bothered. It’s only a few days more, we are not really lacking anything crucial, so why bother?!
Food-wise, I can’t think of anything I would need outside of what we get at the facility. It’s always more than enough food and since we don’t move a lot, we don’t burn a lot of calories. Therefore, I am not really hungry outside the meal times. There are still plenty of snacks around from our welcome package and for our halfway mark, we received another snack package with chips, muesli bars, popcorn… you name it! We always have plenty of fresh fruit in our food rations, lunch is usually heavy on veggies and dinner is more than filling. So, I have honestly nothing I feel I need to stock up on. But again – everyone is different and you do have the option to shop for anything you need.
Tips from the Neighbours!
Obviously, it’s a pretty one-sided view on quarantine hacks, but let me share a few insights I have picked up from the neighbours! Maybe they give you some great ideas for your own possible quarantine situation!
The Food Connaisseurs
Our next-door neighbours impressed me with their food ingenuity! They were clever enough to bring bowls and cutlery! I am massively jealous of the jar of chilli they brought to spice the dishes up a little. Yummy! What impressed me most, though, was their cooking skills with only a bowl and a kettle! They came up with the idea to boil fresh eggs in the bowl, just using the boiling water from the kettle. She likes them hard, he likes them soft! Using the same method, they are also having blanched vegetables whenever they feel like it! I thought that this was quite an ingenious idea to spice up your food situation!
Fake it till you Make it
The neighbours opposite us decided that no sunset should be enjoyed without a beer. Since there is, unfortunately, no alcohol allowed in the facilities, they ordered the next best thing, which is alcohol-free beer. The best thing to make you feel like you are on holiday instead of a quarantine facility. A nice little touch of normality and perhaps you can even trick your brain into a little beer buzz.
The Photographer
One neighbour from the rather rowdy ‘single ladies block’ opposite us decided that it can’t be against the rules to walk around as long as you have a camera with you. She always gets up early in the morning, walking around with an impressively huge camera lens, taking pictures of the birds. If you hear some rummaging in the tiny ‘forest’ opposite our rooms – it’s not wildlife, it’s just the photographer! It’s a great way to get a couple of extra steps in and enjoying a bit of sweet freedom! So far, no one has told her off, so it can’t be all that wrong.
The Exercisers
I am deeply impressed with the exercise resolve of our neighbour two doors down! She is always the first one out in the morning, already deep into her workout routine with her yoga mat, resistance band and a ball!! While I hide my yoga skills in the privacy of my airconditioned room, she is using the bigger porch space and fresh air to stay fit! It’s a great idea to take your exercise outside if you have the option. I applaud you if you can deal with moving in the heat.
If you are quarantining solo, making friends is a lot more important to keep you sane. The ‘rowdy single ladies’ block across the green patch has definitely pulled together, always chatting and visiting each other. They also seemed to have started a morning workout club, blasting some music while working out together on their respective porches. You go, girls! Exercising in a group is definitely much more fun than staying motivated by yourself!
Once you quarantine together...
I guess everyone wonders what’s quarantine life has been like for all your neighbours around. You feel a bit like kindred spirits, sharing the same fate. And, of course, everyone is excited to get out and have a drink. It was, therefore, nice to see this little invitation to get together after quarantine. We found this little note in the laundry room for everyone from flight QF116 from Frankfurt to Darwin to have a drink together after quarantine! I would have loved to go and meet your fellow inmates, but the departure of our flight to Sydney doesn’t leave time for a catch-up! Thanks for the invitation, what a great idea!
The Quarantine Ups...
Against all expectations, our 14-day quarantine in Howard Springs was not a bad experience after all. The single rooms, the outdoor space and the generally good organisation surely puts Howard Springs at the top end of quarantine facilities. Nevertheless, you are still locked up, stuck in a place you didn’t choose, not free to go where you like.
Most days, I was pretty upbeat, feeling good and keeping busy. Especially the first week was still exciting with a lot of firsts and the daily surprise of what food you might get. The busier you can keep, the better. Maybe come up with a plan before entering quarantine of things you need to do – from life admin (dealing with banks, insurances, phone companies…) to having to work or starting a project. I also think, keeping to a structure or routine is crucial to make the day go by faster. It keeps you from ending up in bed for 24 hours, hating yourself because you watched too many true crime stories!
...and the Downs
But it might be inevitable to have one or more bad days feeling depressed, not having the energy to do anything. The second week is definitely a bit harder than week one. For me, it hit me halfway through for no reason, without any discernable trigger. Stressing about what comes next just hit me and I just had to sit through it. Having a bad day can happen anywhere and anytime, so it’s nothing out of the ordinary. You just try to get through the bad day and vow to be better tomorrow. Usually, there is nothing a good nights sleep and a few positive thoughts can’t fix.
Should you have more than just an occasional bad day, you can contact the Howard Springs Wellbeing Service. They are there to support you if you are struggling mentally during your quarantine time.
Some Final Words on Quarantine Life
It’s nearly time to say goodbye from our quarantine home in Howard Springs and I actually can’t believe how fast time went by. Maybe you forget a couple of days because they are so similar?! Either way, I had overall a pretty good time in quarantine. I didn’t expect it at all and I am glad it went well. I was afraid of ‘wasting’ two weeks out of my life I would never get back. But I can honestly say that I don’t feel like the time was wasted at all. It was – hopefully – a once in a lifetime experience, a new adventure and an introspective journey. After all, it was the ultimate slow travel experience!
With this, our little side trip into the world of quarantine comes to an end. Next week we return to our usual travel inspiration, which is suitable for anyone interested in our destinations and travelling slowly. I am excited to take you on a little trip to Malaysia! So, I hope you join us again!
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Adios and until next time,